Download page for GreatSPN package

GreatSPN (GRaphical Editor and Analyzer for Timed and Stochastic Petri Nets) is a software package for the modeling, validation, and performance evaluation of distributed systems using Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets and their colored extension, Stochastic Well-formed Nets.

This page hosts content built on : 20200423083208.

Download the latest binaries for linux x64 : GreatSPN for Linux latest.

Download the latest binaries for OSX x64 : GreatSPN for OSX latest.

Download the latest binaries for Windows x64 : GreatSPN for Windows latest.

This page hosts content regularly rebuilt using the continuous integration services Travis and AppVeyor. We are particularly grateful to these companies for supporting quality open source by providing us these services for free.

This software is free open source under GPL v2, visit the GreatSPN Homepage and Build Homepage for license information.

Please see the sources of this project the "appveyor.yml" and "" files to see exactly how we build them on Travis and AppVeyor.