Download page for LibITS

This page hosts content built on : 20240826145622.

This page hosts content regularly rebuilt using the continuous integration service GitHub Actions. Our home page is still hosted at : ITS homepage

Download the latest executable for linux x64 : its-reach for Linux latest.
Download the latest executable for OSX : its-reach for OSX latest.
Download the latest executable for Windows : its-reach for Windows.
Note that this executable is statically linked and should work without any further installation.

Download the latest executable for linux x64 : its-ctl for Linux latest.
Download the latest executable for OSX : its-ctl for OSX latest.
Download the latest executable for Windows : its-ctl for Windows.
Note that this executable is statically linked and should work without any further installation.

Download the latest executable for linux x64 : its-ltl for Linux latest.
Download the latest executable for OSX : its-ltl for OSX latest.
Download the latest executable for Windows : its-ltl for Windows.
Note that this executable is statically linked and should work without any further installation.

For developpers, download the latest source distribution here : LibITS latest Run ./configure and make to get rolling. See .travis.yml at root of source depot for examples of setting up dependencies (antlr in particular).

Download the latest artifacts here for linux (result of make install : lib/libITS.a, include/*.hh, bin/its-reach) : Linux latest artifacts .
Download the latest artifacts here for OSX : OSX latest artifacts .
Download the latest artifacts here for Windows : Windows latest artifacts .
Note that this artifact embeds our dependencies (libDDD, libgmp, ...). This artifact is not very portable, it's used in our build system and is specific to agents on travis-ci or appveyor.

This page and these artifacts are built using GitHub Actions. We thank GitHub for providing hosting and compilation time for these artifacts.

This software is made available under the terms of Gnu GPL

Contact author : Yann