| StructuredBVA (int _id, unsigned long maxReplacements, bool shuffleTies) |
| Constructor.
| ~StructuredBVA () |
| Destructor.
unsigned int | getVariablesCount () override |
| Get the current number of variables.
void | setSolverInterrupt () override |
| Interrupt resolution, solving cannot continue until interrupt is unset.
void | unsetSolverInterrupt () override |
| Remove the SAT solving interrupt request.
SatResult | solve (const std::vector< int > &cube={}) override |
| Solve the formula with a given cube.
void | addInitialClauses (const std::vector< simpleClause > &clauses, unsigned int nbVariables) override |
| Add a list of initial clauses to the formula.
void | loadFormula (const char *filename) override |
| Load formula from a given dimacs file.
void | printStatistics () override |
| Print solver statistics.
std::vector< simpleClause > | getSimplifiedFormula () override |
| Get the simplified formula after preprocessing.
PreprocessorStats | getPreprocessorStatistics () |
| Get statistics about the preprocessing.
int | getDivisionVariable () |
| Get a variable suitable for search splitting.
void | addClause (ClauseExchangePtr clause) |
| Add a permanent clause to the formula.
void | addClauses (const std::vector< ClauseExchangePtr > &clauses) |
| Add a list of permanent clauses to the formula.
void | diversify (const SeedGenerator &getSeed=[](SolverInterface *s) { return s->getSolverId();}) |
| Diversify the preprocessor's behavior.
void | updateAdjacencyMatrix (int var) |
unsigned int | getThreeHopHeuristic (int lit1, int lit2) |
int | leastFrequentLiteral (simpleClause &clause, int lit) |
void | setTieBreakHeuristic (SBVATieBreak tieBreak) |
void | releaseMemory () |
| Release memory used by the preprocessor.
void | restoreModel (std::vector< int > &model) override |
| Restore the model by removing added clauses.
int | threeHopTieBreak (const std::vector< int > &ties, const int currentLit) |
int | mostOccurTieBreak (const std::vector< int > &ties, const int currentLit) |
int | leastOccurTieBreak (const std::vector< int > &ties, const int currentLit) |
int | randomTieBreak (const std::vector< int > &ties, const int currentLit) |
std::vector< int > | getModel () override |
| Return the model in case of SAT result.
| PreprocessorInterface (PreprocessorAlgorithm algo, int id) |
| Constructor for PreprocessorInterface.
virtual void | printWinningLog () |
| Print the winning log.
bool | isInitialized () |
| Check if the solver is initialized.
void | setInitialized (bool value) |
| Set the initialization status of the solver.
SolverAlgorithmType | getAlgoType () |
| Get the algorithm type of the solver.
unsigned int | getSolverTypeId () |
| Get the solver type ID.
void | setSolverTypeId (unsigned int typeId) |
| Set the solver type ID.
unsigned int | getSolverId () |
| Get the solver ID.
void | setSolverId (unsigned int id) |
| Set the solver ID.
unsigned int | getSolverTypeCount () const |
| Get the current count of instances of this object's most-derived type.
| SolverInterface (SolverAlgorithmType algoType, int solverId) |
| Constructor for SolverInterface.
virtual | ~SolverInterface () |
| Virtual destructor for SolverInterface.
Structured Binary Variable Addition (SBVA) preprocessing algorithm.
This class implements the Structured BVA preprocessing technique for SAT solving. It is based on the original implementation from https://github.com/hgarrereyn/SBVA, reorganized and adapted for this solver framework.