A framework to ease parallelization of sequential CDCL SAT solvers
No Matches
Todo List
Member AllGatherSharing::doSharing () override
a real decision on willing to share or not.
Class ClauseBuffer
An optimal and safe move/copy mechanism
Class ClauseDatabaseMallob
fix the lbd partitioning to not have empty vectors, worth it ?
Class ClauseDatabasePerSize
resize by changing maxClauseSize for dynamically managing the maximum size
Class ClauseExchange
Template for metadata for better memory footprint.
Class HordeSatSharing
Strengthening strategy + keep units for future ones in derived classes?
Member mpiutils::serializeClauses (const std::vector< simpleClause > &clauses, std::vector< int > &serializedClauses)
A version with a function parameter for GlobalSharingStrategies
Class SharingEntity

Test userspace RCU for m_clients list

shared_from_this is needed here ? Or only when we deal with producers in a SharingStrategy ?

Class SharingStrategy

Private constructors (+ move and copy constructors), wrappers for constructors that calls connectProducers and returns a smart pointer

Test userspace RCU for m_producers