| GenericGlobalSharing (const std::shared_ptr< ClauseDatabase > &clauseDB, const std::vector< int > &subscriptions, const std::vector< int > &subscribers, unsigned long bufferSize) |
| Constructor for GenericGlobalSharing with copy semantics.
| ~GenericGlobalSharing () |
| Destructor for GenericGlobalSharing.
bool | initMpiVariables () override |
| Initializes MPI-related variables.
bool | doSharing () override |
| Performs the clause sharing operation. An MPI process starts by serializing its clauses then sends them via asynchronous sends to all its subscribers, then waits on the reception of its different subscriptions.
void | joinProcess (int winnerRank, SatResult res, const std::vector< int > &model) override |
| Handles the process of joining when a solution is found.
| GlobalSharingStrategy (const std::shared_ptr< ClauseDatabase > &clauseDB, const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< SharingEntity > > &producers={}, const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< SharingEntity > > &consumers={}) |
| Constructor for GlobalSharingStrategy.
virtual | ~GlobalSharingStrategy () |
| Destructor.
bool | importClause (const ClauseExchangePtr &cls) override |
| Imports a clause into the clause database.
void | importClauses (const std::vector< ClauseExchangePtr > &v_cls) override |
| Imports multiple clauses into the clause database.
bool | exportClauseToClient (const ClauseExchangePtr &clause, std::shared_ptr< SharingEntity > client) |
| Exports a clause to a specific client.
std::chrono::microseconds | getSleepingTime () override |
| Gets the sleeping time for the sharing strategy.
void | printStats () override |
| Prints the statistics of the sharing strategy.
| SharingStrategy (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< SharingEntity > > &producers, const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< SharingEntity > > &consumers, const std::shared_ptr< ClauseDatabase > &clauseDB) |
| Constructor for SharingStrategy. Be sure to call connectConstructorProducers after construction, this is due to the base class shared_from_this.
virtual | ~SharingStrategy () |
| Virtual destructor.
void | connectConstructorProducers () |
| Add this to the producers' clients list.
virtual void | addProducer (std::shared_ptr< SharingEntity > producer) |
| Adds a producer to this strategy.
virtual void | connectProducer (std::shared_ptr< SharingEntity > producer) |
| Connect a producer to this strategy. Add (this) to clients of (producer)
virtual void | removeProducer (std::shared_ptr< SharingEntity > producer) |
| Removes a producer from this strategy.
| SharingEntity () |
| Construct a new SharingEntity object.
| SharingEntity (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< SharingEntity > > &clients) |
| Construct a new SharingEntity object.
virtual | ~SharingEntity () |
| Destroy the SharingEntity object.
int | getSharingId () const |
| Get the sharing ID of this entity.
void | setSharingId (int _id) |
| Set the sharing ID of this entity.
virtual void | addClient (std::shared_ptr< SharingEntity > client) |
| Add a client to this entity.
virtual void | removeClient (std::shared_ptr< SharingEntity > client) |
| Remove a specific client from this entity.
size_t | getClientCount () const |
| Get the current number of clients.
void | clearClients () |
| Remove all clients.
int | serializeClauses (std::vector< int > &serialized_v_cls) |
| Serializes clauses for sharing.
void | deserializeClauses (std::vector< int > &serialized_v_cls) |
| Deserializes received clauses.
bool | exportClauseToClient (const ClauseExchangePtr &clause, std::shared_ptr< SharingEntity > client) override |
| A SharingStrategy doesn't send a clause to the source client (->from must store the sharingId of its producer)
bool | exportClause (const ClauseExchangePtr &clause) |
| Export a clause to all registered clients.
void | exportClauses (const std::vector< ClauseExchangePtr > &clauses) |
| Export multiple clauses to all registered clients.
unsigned int | totalSize |
| Total size of the buffer for clause sharing.
std::vector< MPI_Request > | sendRequests |
| MPI requests for non-blocking sends.
BloomFilter | b_filter_send |
| Bloom filter for avoiding duplicate clause sends.
BloomFilter | b_filter_recv |
| Bloom filter for avoiding duplicate clause receives.
std::vector< int > | clausesToSendSerialized |
| Buffer for serialized clauses to send.
std::vector< int > | receivedClauses |
| Buffer for received serialized clauses.
std::vector< int > | subscriptions |
| List of MPI ranks to receive clauses from.
std::vector< int > | subscribers |
| List of MPI ranks to send clauses to.
GlobalSharingStatistics | gstats |
| Statistics for global sharing.
bool | requests_sent |
| Flag indicating if requests to end were sent to the root.
std::vector< MPI_Request > | recv_end_requests |
| MPI requests for non-blocking receive of end signals.
MPI_Request | send_end_request |
| MPI request for non-root Isend for final synchronization with root.
std::vector< int > | receivedFinalResultRoot |
| Buffer for storing results received from other mpi processes.
std::shared_ptr< ClauseDatabase > | m_clauseDB |
| Clause database where exported clauses are stored.
SharingStatistics | stats |
| Sharing statistics.
std::vector< std::weak_ptr< SharingEntity > > | m_producers |
| The set holding the references to the producers.
std::shared_mutex | m_producersMutex |
| Shared mutex for producers list (to become RCU ?)
std::vector< std::weak_ptr< SharingEntity > > | m_clients |
| List of weak pointers to client SharingEntities.
std::shared_mutex | m_clientsMutex |
| Mutex to protect access to m_clients.
Implements a generic global sharing strategy for clause exchange.
This class extends GlobalSharingStrategy to provide a generic implementation for clause sharing among MPI processes.