| MallobSharing (const std::shared_ptr< ClauseDatabase > &clauseDB, unsigned long baseBufferSize, unsigned long maxBufferSize, unsigned int lbdLimitAtImport, unsigned int sizeLimitAtImport, unsigned int roundsPerSecond, float maxCompensation, unsigned int resharePeriodMicroSec) |
| Constructor for MallobSharing.
| ~MallobSharing () |
| Destructor for MallobSharing.
bool | initMpiVariables () override |
| Initializes MPI-related variables.
bool | doSharing () override |
| Performs the clause sharing operation.
void | joinProcess (int winnerRank, SatResult res, const std::vector< int > &model) override |
| Handles the process of joining when a solution is found.
bool | importClause (const ClauseExchangePtr &cls) override |
| Imports a clause into the clause database.
std::chrono::microseconds | getSleepingTime () override |
| Gets the sleeping time for the sharing strategy.
void | initializeFilter (unsigned int resharingPeriod, unsigned int sharingsPerSecond, unsigned int maxProducerId=63) |
| Initializes the sharing filter with given parameters.
bool | doesClauseExist (const ClauseExchangePtr &cls) const |
| Checks if a clause exists in the sharing map.
void | updateClause (const ClauseExchangePtr &cls) |
| Updates the metadata for an existing clause.
bool | insertClause (const ClauseExchangePtr &cls) |
| Inserts a new clause or updates an existing one in the sharing map.
bool | isClauseShared (const ClauseExchangePtr &cls) const |
| Checks if a clause has been shared recently.
bool | canConsumerImportClause (const ClauseExchangePtr &cls, unsigned consumerId) |
| Determines if a consumer can import a given clause.
void | incrementEpoch () |
| Increments the current epoch.
void | markClauseAsShared (ClauseExchangePtr &cls) |
| Marks a clause as shared, updating its metadata.
size_t | shrinkFilter () |
| Shrinks the filter to remove entries of clauses that can be reshared. Once a clause was shared m_resharingPeriod rpochs back it can be reshared.
| GlobalSharingStrategy (const std::shared_ptr< ClauseDatabase > &clauseDB, const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< SharingEntity > > &producers={}, const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< SharingEntity > > &consumers={}) |
| Constructor for GlobalSharingStrategy.
virtual | ~GlobalSharingStrategy () |
| Destructor.
void | importClauses (const std::vector< ClauseExchangePtr > &v_cls) override |
| Imports multiple clauses into the clause database.
void | printStats () override |
| Prints the statistics of the sharing strategy.
| SharingStrategy (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< SharingEntity > > &producers, const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< SharingEntity > > &consumers, const std::shared_ptr< ClauseDatabase > &clauseDB) |
| Constructor for SharingStrategy. Be sure to call connectConstructorProducers after construction, this is due to the base class shared_from_this.
virtual | ~SharingStrategy () |
| Virtual destructor.
void | connectConstructorProducers () |
| Add this to the producers' clients list.
virtual void | addProducer (std::shared_ptr< SharingEntity > producer) |
| Adds a producer to this strategy.
virtual void | connectProducer (std::shared_ptr< SharingEntity > producer) |
| Connect a producer to this strategy. Add (this) to clients of (producer)
virtual void | removeProducer (std::shared_ptr< SharingEntity > producer) |
| Removes a producer from this strategy.
| SharingEntity () |
| Construct a new SharingEntity object.
| SharingEntity (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< SharingEntity > > &clients) |
| Construct a new SharingEntity object.
virtual | ~SharingEntity () |
| Destroy the SharingEntity object.
int | getSharingId () const |
| Get the sharing ID of this entity.
void | setSharingId (int _id) |
| Set the sharing ID of this entity.
virtual void | addClient (std::shared_ptr< SharingEntity > client) |
| Add a client to this entity.
virtual void | removeClient (std::shared_ptr< SharingEntity > client) |
| Remove a specific client from this entity.
size_t | getClientCount () const |
| Get the current number of clients.
void | clearClients () |
| Remove all clients.
bool | exportClauseToClient (const ClauseExchangePtr &clause, std::shared_ptr< SharingEntity > client) override |
| Exports a clause to a specific client.
void | deserializeClauses (const std::vector< int > &serialized_v_cls) |
| Deserializes received clauses.
int | mergeSerializedBuffersWithMine (std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< std::vector< int > > > &buffers, std::vector< int > &result, size_t &nonFreeLiteralsCount) |
| Merges serialized buffers with local clauses from the m_clauseDB database.
void | computeBufferSize (unsigned int aggregationsCount) |
| Computes the buffer size based on the number of aggregations.
bool | getOneClauseWrapper (ClauseExchangePtr &cls) |
| Wrapper for getting one clause from the database. This remove the need to make the filter thread-safe.
void | computeCompensation () |
| Computes the compensation factor for volume balancing.
bool | exportClauseToClient (const ClauseExchangePtr &clause, std::shared_ptr< SharingEntity > client) override |
| A SharingStrategy doesn't send a clause to the source client (->from must store the sharingId of its producer)
bool | exportClause (const ClauseExchangePtr &clause) |
| Export a clause to all registered clients.
void | exportClauses (const std::vector< ClauseExchangePtr > &clauses) |
| Export multiple clauses to all registered clients.
unsigned int | defaultBufferSize |
| Default size of the sharing buffer.
const unsigned int | baseSize |
| Base size for buffer calculations.
const unsigned int | maxSize |
| Maximum size for buffer calculations.
std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< std::vector< int > > > | buffers |
| Buffers for clause sharing.
std::vector< int > | clausesToSendSerialized |
| Buffer for serialized clauses to send.
std::vector< int > | receivedClausesLeft |
| Buffer for clauses received from left child.
std::vector< int > | receivedClausesRight |
| Buffer for clauses received from right child.
std::vector< int > | receivedClausesFather |
| Buffer for clauses received from parent.
std::vector< ClauseExchangePtr > | deserializedClauses |
| Buffer for deserialized clauses.
Bitset | myBitVector |
| Bitset for tracking shared clauses.
int | father |
| MPI rank of the parent node.
int | left_child |
| MPI rank of the left child.
int | right_child |
| MPI rank of the right child.
int | nb_children |
| Number of children nodes.
size_t | sleepTime |
| Sleep time between sharing operations.
bool | addChildClauses |
| Flag to determine if child clauses should be added.
const int | lbdLimitAtImport |
| LBD limit for clause import.
const int | sizeLimitAtImport |
| Size limit for clause import.
unsigned | m_freeSize |
| Clause size not counted in the buffer at serialization.
float | accumulatedAdmittedLiterals |
| Accumulated number of literals shared to parent.
float | accumulatedDesiredLiterals |
| Accumulated number of literals received from children.
size_t | lastEpochAdmittedLits |
| Number of literals in last epoch final buffer.
size_t | lastEpochReceivedLits |
| Number of literals received in last epoch.
float | compensationFactor |
| Factor for volume compensation.
float | maxCompensationFactor |
| Maximum Compensation factor.
float | estimatedIncomingLits |
| Estimated number of incoming literals.
float | estimatedSharedLits |
| Estimated number of shared literals.
GlobalSharingStatistics | gstats |
| Statistics for global sharing.
bool | requests_sent |
| Flag indicating if requests to end were sent to the root.
std::vector< MPI_Request > | recv_end_requests |
| MPI requests for non-blocking receive of end signals.
MPI_Request | send_end_request |
| MPI request for non-root Isend for final synchronization with root.
std::vector< int > | receivedFinalResultRoot |
| Buffer for storing results received from other mpi processes.
std::shared_ptr< ClauseDatabase > | m_clauseDB |
| Clause database where exported clauses are stored.
SharingStatistics | stats |
| Sharing statistics.
std::vector< std::weak_ptr< SharingEntity > > | m_producers |
| The set holding the references to the producers.
std::shared_mutex | m_producersMutex |
| Shared mutex for producers list (to become RCU ?)
std::vector< std::weak_ptr< SharingEntity > > | m_clients |
| List of weak pointers to client SharingEntities.
std::shared_mutex | m_clientsMutex |
| Mutex to protect access to m_clients.
Implements a global sharing strategy based on the Mallob algorithm.
This class extends GlobalSharingStrategy to implement a specific sharing mechanism inspired by the Mallob algorithm for distributed SAT solving (ref:https://doi.org/10.1613/jair.1.15827).