unsigned int | getVariablesCount () |
| Get the number of variables of the current resolution.
int | getDivisionVariable () |
| Get a variable suitable for search splitting.
void | setPhase (const unsigned int var, const bool phase) |
| Set initial phase for a given variable.
void | bumpVariableActivity (const int var, const int times) |
| Bump activity of a given variable.
void | setSolverInterrupt () |
| Interrupt resolution, solving cannot continue until interrupt is unset.
void | unsetSolverInterrupt () |
| Remove the SAT solving interrupt request.
SatResult | solve (const std::vector< int > &cube) |
| Solve the formula with a given cube.
void | addClause (ClauseExchangePtr clause) |
| Add a permanent clause to the formula.
void | addClauses (const std::vector< ClauseExchangePtr > &clauses) |
| Add a list of permanent clauses to the formula.
void | addInitialClauses (const std::vector< simpleClause > &clauses, unsigned int nbVars) override |
| Add a list of initial clauses to the formula.
void | loadFormula (const char *filename) override |
| Load formula from a given dimacs file, return false if failed.
bool | importClause (const ClauseExchangePtr &clause) |
| Add a learned clause to the formula.
void | importClauses (const std::vector< ClauseExchangePtr > &clauses) |
| Add a list of learned clauses to the formula.
void | printStatistics () |
| Get solver statistics.
void | printWinningLog () override |
| Print the winning log.
std::vector< int > | getModel () |
| Return the model in case of SAT result.
void | diversify (const SeedGenerator &getSeed) |
| Native diversification.
| MapleCOMSPSSolver (int id, const std::shared_ptr< ClauseDatabase > &clauseDB) |
| Constructor.
| MapleCOMSPSSolver (const MapleCOMSPSSolver &other, int id, const std::shared_ptr< ClauseDatabase > &clauseDB) |
| Copy constructor.
virtual | ~MapleCOMSPSSolver () |
| Destructor.
std::vector< int > | getFinalAnalysis () |
| Get the final analysis in case of UNSAT result.
std::vector< int > | getSatAssumptions () |
| Get current assumptions.
void | setStrengthening (bool b) |
void | setParameter (parameter p) |
void | initshuffle (int id) |
void | printWinningLog () |
| Print winning log information.
SolverCdclType | getSolverType () |
| Returns solver type for static cast.
| SolverCdclInterface (int solverId, const std::shared_ptr< ClauseDatabase > &clauseDB, SolverCdclType solverCdclType) |
| Constructor for SolverCdclInterface.
virtual | ~SolverCdclInterface () |
| Virtual destructor.
virtual void | printParameters () |
| Print the parameters set for a solver.
bool | isInitialized () |
| Check if the solver is initialized.
void | setInitialized (bool value) |
| Set the initialization status of the solver.
SolverAlgorithmType | getAlgoType () |
| Get the algorithm type of the solver.
unsigned int | getSolverTypeId () |
| Get the solver type ID.
void | setSolverTypeId (unsigned int typeId) |
| Set the solver type ID.
unsigned int | getSolverId () |
| Get the solver ID.
void | setSolverId (unsigned int id) |
| Set the solver ID.
unsigned int | getSolverTypeCount () const |
| Get the current count of instances of this object's most-derived type.
| SolverInterface (SolverAlgorithmType algoType, int solverId) |
| Constructor for SolverInterface.
virtual | ~SolverInterface () |
| Virtual destructor for SolverInterface.
| SharingEntity () |
| Construct a new SharingEntity object.
| SharingEntity (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< SharingEntity > > &clients) |
| Construct a new SharingEntity object.
virtual | ~SharingEntity () |
| Destroy the SharingEntity object.
int | getSharingId () const |
| Get the sharing ID of this entity.
void | setSharingId (int _id) |
| Set the sharing ID of this entity.
virtual void | addClient (std::shared_ptr< SharingEntity > client) |
| Add a client to this entity.
virtual void | removeClient (std::shared_ptr< SharingEntity > client) |
| Remove a specific client from this entity.
size_t | getClientCount () const |
| Get the current number of clients.
void | clearClients () |
| Remove all clients.
SolverCdclType | m_cdclType |
| Type of this CDCL solver.
template<typename Derived > |
void | initializeTypeId () |
| Initialize the type ID for a derived class.
virtual bool | exportClauseToClient (const ClauseExchangePtr &clause, std::shared_ptr< SharingEntity > client) |
| Export a clause to a specific client.
bool | exportClause (const ClauseExchangePtr &clause) |
| Export a clause to all registered clients.
void | exportClauses (const std::vector< ClauseExchangePtr > &clauses) |
| Export multiple clauses to all registered clients.
template<typename Derived > |
static unsigned int | getAndIncrementTypeCount () |
| Get and increment the instance count for a specific derived type.
static std::unordered_map< std::type_index, std::atomic< unsigned int > > | s_instanceCounts |
| Number of existing instances of derived classes.
Instance of a MapleCOMSPS solver.